Foto Detail
::. Wood of Death .::
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Detail FotoData Teknis
Fotografer : Ahmad Fariza
Kategori : Landscape, 
Tanggal upload : 09-08-2012 13:01:54
Lokasi foto : Batam, Kepulauan Riau
Width : 900 pixels
Height : 599 pixels
Tipe Kamera : Nikon
Lensa : D700
Iso : 100
Speed : 8 dtk
Diafragma : 12
Deskripsi Foto
This photo was taken by D700 with 10-20mm Sigma lens. White ballance and pict controle is preset by user. To ballance light i use Gnd and polarize to strong character. No digital manipulating, just convert Raw to Jpg by view Nx. my Regards. LS Peace.