Foto Detail
The Leaning Prince Otsu Hotel at Dawn
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Detail FotoData Teknis
Fotografer : Pudji Tunggono
Kategori : Arsitektur, 
Tanggal upload : 18-12-2012 00:41:10
Lokasi foto : Lake Biwa, Kansai, Japan, Luar Negeri (Other Country)
Width : 900 pixels
Height : 600 pixels
Tipe Kamera : Canon 7D
Lensa : Tokina 11-16mm
Iso : 100
Speed : 8"
Diafragma : 5.6
Deskripsi Foto
No, there is nothing wrong with my/your eyesight nor my camera/lens, but the hotel really is leaning towards the lake. The thought that our tour group actually slept there the night before really scared me off now!!